Our Framework
To improve student outcomes, we need to sustain practices by attending to the process and context of implementation.
Process of Implementation
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a successful school-based practice!
Improve student outcomes and use resources efficiently by thinking about sustaining practices across the EXPLORE, PREPARE, IMPLEMENT, and SUSTAIN phases.
Context of Implementation
Sustained practice doesn’t happen in a bubble - context impacts success!
Understanding the context - and attending to it throughout the phases of implementation - is more resource efficient and leads to better outcomes.
The Sustain Collaborative framework was informed by theory and research in implementation science, education, and psychology.
This framework is most directly informed by Aarons et al. (2011)’s EPIS Framework, which illustrates phases of implementation and multi-layered contextual influences, and influenced by K12 school-based research, theory, and practice.