The PRIME Team

Get to know the people who work with teachers in CT and NY.

  • Bailey Landow


    Bailey is a former Kindergarten teacher with a Master's degree in Early Childhood Special Education. Currently pursuing a PhD in School Psychology, she is passionate about supporting teachers and fostering student growth. She finds great fulfillment in working with PRIME, where she can directly contribute to enhancing outcomes and making a positive impact on the lives of both educators and students.

  • Irmina Chrzastek

    NY PRIME Consultant

    Irmina is a third year School Psychology PhD student at Teachers College. What interests her most in PRIME is the hands-on experience the team is able to get in classrooms with both students and teachers. Her favorite part of being on PRIME is being in a classroom and being able to assist teachers! She loves that she is able to support teachers through PRIME because there is no one that deserves it more.

  • Julia Brandes-Salah

    NY PRIME Consultant

    Julia is a school psychology doctoral student who previously worked in education for 10 years as both a 6th grade elementary and middle school language arts teacher. During that time she served as Advisory Coach, Peer Observer, and New Teacher Mentor. Julia joined the PRIME team in spring 2022 and has enjoyed the opportunity to provide in-person, ongoing support to teachers, students, and administrators.

  • Thea Bucherbeam


    Thea is currently a 4th year school psychology doctoral student. Before pursuing her PhD, she was an AmeriCorps music educator, assistant teacher, and Kindergarten teacher. Working on PRIME has given her the opportunity to provide consultation that makes a positive impact on both teacher and student outcomes. She finds the most rewarding part of being a PRIME consultant to be observing the growth that occurs throughout the year within the classrooms that we work with.

  • Sarina Alavi


    Sarina is a school psychology doctoral student who previously earned her MA in clinical psychology. Sarina previously worked as a social-emotional learning teacher in New York City’s Title 1 schools, which contributed to her interest in school psychology, intervention, and implementation science. Sarina loves being able to see firsthand the positive impact that PRIME has on students and teachers as well as gaining knowledge about bridging research, practice, and policy.

  • Mel Collier-Meek, PhD


    Dr. Collier-Meek is an Associate Professor of School Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. In graduate school, she served as a consultant on the initial PRIME grant. In her role on the current iteration of the project, Dr. Collier-Meek appreciates the opportunity to link applied support for schools with cutting-edge research. She enjoys collaborating with the PRIME team and learning how to better support teachers and students.

  • Kylie Krechko


    Kylie is a graduate student in Educational Psychology. Kylie has worked as a special education teacher at the elementary level, as well as a school-based behavior technician for children with Autism. Kylie has worked in PreK-12 schools for over 4 years as a substitute teacher. She is excited about how her work with PRIME can help make behavior intervention simpler for teachers to decrease teacher burnout.

  • Laura Scarcelli

    CT PRIME Consultant

    Laura is a graduate student in school psychology with extensive prior experience working with children. She has worked as a behavior technician for children with Autism and as a case worker providing families in crisis with a broad range of support services. Laura enjoys her work with PRIME providing effective support to teachers who are struggling with disruptive behaviors within the classroom. She finds collaborating with teachers and seeing student growth to be very rewarding.

  • Sadie MacDonald

    CT PRIME Consultant

    Sadie is a Master in Social Work student with previous experience as a behavior technician for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This role taught her a lot about behavior, how to intervene, and how to take data. Sadie loves working with kids and is very passionate about working in schools because they are the kids' home away from home. Working with teachers allows her to further strengthen the formative relationships between teachers and their students.

  • Sara Flash


    Sara is a 3rd year school psychology PhD student with a background in neuroscience and public health. Sara previously worked as a research assistant in a public health/nursing lab. Sara’s favorite part of PRIME is being able to develop year-long partnerships with a teacher and their students. Sara finds it rewarding to see the positive impacts that PRIME has by providing teachers the opportunity to brainstorm strategies and problem-solve.

  • Tinuade McClish


    Tinuade is a 2nd year school psychology PhD student whose prior experience as a tutor sparked her interest in helping students learn and helping teachers teach. Working on PRIME has allowed her to harness these interests and work closely with teachers to provide student supports. She loves working on team PRIME and especially appreciates how the team supports and encourages one another!

  • Lisa Sanetti, PhD


    Dr. Sanetti is a Professor of School Psychology at the University of Connecticut. She has extensive research and practical experiences facilitating intervention implementation to promote students’ academic, behavioral, social, and emotional outcomes over time. In addition to her research, she consults with school systems within and outside of the US to improve the equitable delivery and sustainment of effective practices.

  • Alexandra Pierce, PhD


    Dr. Pierce is the PRIME project coordinator who oversees project operations and makes sure things run smoothly! She supervises all of the PRIME-2 consultants in their work with teachers and students and is always available to parents, teachers, and administrators who have questions or concerns about the project. Dr. Pierce has previously held positions focused on supporting children with behavioral challenges in a variety of settings and has conducted research on positive behavioral supports and teacher wellbeing.

  • Nedim Yel, PhD


    Dr. Yel is the Executive Director of Data Analysis and Statistical Solutions and the statistical analysis consultant for this project. What Dr. Yel enjoys most about being involved in PRIME is seeing the real, positive impact it has on both teachers and students. The tailored support PRIME provides helps teachers implement effective interventions, leading to better behavioral and academic outcomes for students. This fosters a more supportive and inclusive classroom environment for all students.

  • Tom Kratochwill, PhD


    Dr. Kratochwill is Emeritus Professor (Sears Roebuck Foundation-Bascom Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Director of the School Psychology Program, and a licensed psychologist in Wisconsin) and a Principal Investigator in the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Dr. Kratochwill began working with Dr. Sanetti on methods to promote treatment integrity in 2000 and they acquired funding for PRIME-1 in 2010. He has continued to collaborate with the research team on PRIME-2.

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