Funded Projects

Understanding the impact of implementation support and contextual factors on elementary teachers’ sustained practices


PRIME2: Planning Realistic Intervention Implementation and Maintenance by Educators.

Santti, Collier-Meek, & Yel - Co-Principal Investigators. Funding source: Institute of Education Sciences. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: July, 2021 to June, 2026. Total amount funded: $3,769,253.


Understanding how teachers interpret items on implementation measures to improve data accuracy


Cognitive Interviewing to Increase Comprehension of Fidelity Self-Report Measures: A Pilot Study.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Duration of funding: September, 2020 to December, 2021.Status: Funded. Total amount funded: $49,990.40.


Evaluation of a Total Worker Health approach to improving workplace well-being adapted for schools.


What’s stress got to do with it: Applying the healthy workplace participatory program to address teacher wellbeing.

Sanetti - Co-Principal Investigator. Funding source: Neag School of Education Dean’s Research Incentive Award. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: May, 2018-August, 2019. Total amount funded: $9,993.

Evaluating the impact of the PDC-HS as a way to identify and deliver implementation support to paraeducators


Supporting paraeducators delivery of student interventions.

Collier-Meek - Principal Investigator. Status: Funded. Funding source: Joseph P. Healey Research Grant Program. Duration of funding: January – December 2018. Total amount funded: $7,500.

Delivery of a Total Worker Health approach to improving workplace well-being in schools to identify how to adapt to improve fit.


Applying the healthy workplace participatory program to address teacher wellbeing: A mixed-methods pilot study.

Sanetti - Co-Principal Investigator. Funding source: Collaboratory on School and Child Health. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: January, 2018-December, 2018. Total amount funded: $4,998.


Evaluating how in-situ teacher self-report compared to other methods of implementation assessment


Agreement between ecological momentary assessment, observation, and permanent product review of teachers’ implementation of school-wide behavioral supports in a clinical day treatment program.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Funding source: Neag School of Education Dean’s Research Incentive Award. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: May, 2015-May, 2016. Total amount funded: $4,995.

Intervention, teacher, and school factors related to implementation.

Collier-Meek - Principal Investigator. Funding source: College of Education and Human Development Summer Faculty Research Grant Preparation Fellowship. Status: Funded. Total amount funded: $4000. Duration of funding: May – August 2015.

Developing a conceptualization to understand layered implementation influences


Evaluating how a direct observation tool compared to traditional implementation evaluation


Initial evaluation of a direct measure of classroom management implementation.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Collier-Meek - Co-Principal Investigator. Funding source: University of Connecticut Research Foundation. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: November, 2013- October, 2014. Total amount funded: $1,500.

Understanding the impact of implementation planning on teachers’ classroom management in an alternative school


Evaluation of a planning protocol on teachers’ implementation of a classroom management system in an alternative school setting: A pilot study.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Funding source: University of Connecticut Research Foundation. Status: Funded. Duration of funding: January, 2012-July, 2013. Total amount funded: $24, 996.


Developing and providing initial validation of a package of implementation supports, including implementation planning


Project PRIME: Planning Realistic Intervention implementation and Maintenance by Educators.

Sanetti - Co-Principal Investigator and Project Director. Funding source: US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Status: Funded. Duration of Funding: July, 2010-June, 2014. Total amount funded: $1,436,300.


Assessing the extent to which implementation were reported in school psychology research


Review of treatment integrity data in the school psychology literature: 1995-2005.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Funding source: University of Connecticut Research Foundation. Status: Funded. Duration: January, 2008-July, 2009. Total amount funded: $980.

Evaluation of whether method (writing/telling) or frequency (daily/weekly) self-report of intervention delivery improves accuracy


Accuracy of teacher self-report as a treatment integrity assessment for behavioral interventions: A comparison of daily self-recording and weekly self-reporting.

Sanetti - Principal Investigator. Funding source: University of Connecticut Research Foundation. Status: Funded. Duration: January, 2008-July, 2009. Total amount funded: $15,069.


Evaluation of the first proactive method to co-create fidelity measures and systems with teachers


The effects of the Treatment Integrity Planning Protocol (TIPP) on treatment integrity and treatment outcomes in school-based consultation.

Sanetti - Co-Principal Investigator. Funding source: US Department of Education. Status: Funded. Duration: July, 2004-December, 2006. Total amount funded: $20,000.