How PRIME Can Support You

Information for teachers considering getting involved in PRIME.

“It was tremendously helpful to have an additional set of eyes in my classroom to get suggestions about techniques and strategies that I could try to better support my student. I felt comfortable working with my PRIME coach when she was here observing and in meetings outside of the classroom. I felt as though we were working together to support my student’s behavioral needs.

- Elementary School Teacher

What does PRIME consultation look like?


Meet with a PRIME coach to share about your student’s behavior in the classroom. Your consultant will observe and collect data to better understand your concerns.

Get Support

Meet with a PRIME coach who will introduce you to strategies to support your student’s behavior. Check in with them regularly as you implement the plan to get ongoing support.

Review Progress

Meet with a PRIME coach to review your student’s progress as you implemented our team’s recommended strategies. Share what did and didn’t work in your classroom. Celebrate your student’s wins!

Meet the PRIME Team!

Learn more about our coaches.

Sara talks about PRIME consultation.

Watch to hear one of our coaches, Sara, share what consultation looks like from her perspective. Learn about the types of strategies coaches provide for teachers.

  • If you are a K-5 general education teacher in the greater NYC or Hartford area, you are eligible to participate! You’re a good fit for the project if you are experiencing mild to moderate challenging student behaviors (e.g., disruptive behavior, non-compliance, off-task behavior) in your classroom.

  • Your participation will involve up to 25 weeks of working with a consultant during the school year. You will be asked to send home information and parent permission forms, fill out online surveys, participate in 3-6 consultation meetings, implement the recommended behavior intervention, and participate in brief (<5-minute) weekly check-ins with consultants for 8-13 weeks. During this time, consultants will conduct weekly observations in your classroom.

  • As a study participant receiving consultation to support student behavior, you may find that your confidence in delivering behavioral interventions and your knowledge of behavior management increases. Challenging student behaviors in your classroom may decrease. Additionally, you will be compensated $15 per week for your time.

  • You can nominate any student who is demonstrating mild to moderate behavior challenges (such as disruptive, out-of-seat, or non-compliant behavior) and who does not currently receive, nor is in the evaluation process to receive, an IEP with behavioral goals. Student participants will require caregiver permission in order to participate.  

  • Reach out to! Our project manager, Dr. Pierce, will be happy to connect with you via phone, email, or Zoom to discuss your specific student's needs and determine whether they are a good fit to participate.

  • Although we can only support one student, the good news is that many of the strategies that we recommend are effective with other students in your classroom, too! We know it can be difficult to prioritize one student, so we're here to help you decide. Email and we'll set up a meeting to talk it through.

  • If you change your mind and no longer wish to participate, you can leave the study at any time. You'll still be compensated for the weeks you participated in the study.

What are the benefits of PRIME?

Our PRIME coach, Julia, talks about how PRIME can benefit students and teachers. She shares what she enjoys about working as a PRIME coach and what student behaviors she has supported.

What do teachers have to say about PRIME?

  • "My PRIME coach was able to provide research-based strategies that were simple, easy to implement, and effective. She was always available for questions and to collaborate with, and was very helpful, kind, and considerate."

    ~ Elementary School Teacher

  • "After implementing the discussed behavior plan, I immediately saw positive results with my student. Even after the study was finished, the plan was easy to continue to implement and became part of the student’s daily routine."

    ~ CT Teacher

  • "The experience with PRIME was extremely helpful for one of my students this year. I was very grateful for my coach's support with helping this child improve his behavior."

    ~ NY Elementary School Teacher

  • "The entire process was well-organized and thoughtful while still leaving room for feedback and flexibility. My PRIME coach was incredibly kind, positive and professional while still able to relate to the changing dynamics of a real classroom."

    ~ NY Charter School Teacher

  • "I felt very well informed and prepared to enact the plan that we created. The entire process was very student-centered and always kept the 'why' behind behavior at the forefront. In short, I learned a lot about behavior and about how to use data to create a plan that works for students and teachers! It was a great experience."

    ~ NY Elementary Teacher

  • “Working with [my coach] on the PRIME-2 research study was truly a pleasure. Despite our brief time together, she showed remarkable flexibility in adjusting to my classroom schedule. Her depth of knowledge and unwavering support were evident throughout the entire process."

    -CT Elementary Teacher

  • "My PRIME coach not only equipped me with a comprehensive behavior plan but also provided all the necessary tools and supports to ensure its successful implementation in the classroom. As a result, I observed a positive change in the student’s behavior.”

    ~ CT Teacher

Ready to Learn More?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you.

This research study is approved by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (IRB; Protocol # HR21-0171) and sponsored by the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), award number: R324A210266

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