PRIME at Your School
Information for principals.
Working with the PRIME team this year has been an enriching experience that has significantly benefited our teachers, leaders, and students. Their positivity was contagious - throughout the year, more and more teachers volunteered to work with the PRIME team.
-NYC Area Principal
PRIME recruits teacher and student pairs in K-5 general education classrooms. Teachers are asked to nominate students demonstrating mild to moderate behavior challenges in the classroom (such as disruptive, out-of-seat, off-task, or non-compliant behavior). Students are eligible to participate if they do not receive, nor are in the evaluation process to receive, an IEP with behavioral goals. Caregiver permission is required for student participation.
Participating teachers will receive individual, best-practice consultation in evidence-based positive behavior support strategies, which may decrease challenging student behaviors and increase classroom engagement. This consultation is offered at no cost and does not require any school resources. Teachers may also find that their knowledge of positive behavior support strategies increases through participation, which may benefit all students in their classroom as well as the greater school community.
If you are interested in partnering with us, you will be asked to provide recommendations of teachers and students who you believe would be a good fit for our study. Additionally, you may be asked for feedback about your experience of partnering with PRIME
All teacher and student information is de-identified, coded, and kept strictly confidential. Each participant is assigned a unique ID number that is used in place of identifying information, such as teacher or student names and school locations. No teacher or student will be identified for their participation in the study in any future publications or presentations.
Each of our teachers who worked with a PRIME researcher felt empowered, supported, and more successful. The students benefited greatly from this work!
— Elementary School Principal
What do our coaches enjoy about PRIME?
Listen to our coach, Sarina, share what she loves about consulting with teachers through PRIME.
Ready to Learn More?
Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you.
This research study is approved by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (IRB; Protocol # HR21-0171) and sponsored by the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), award number: R324A210266