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101 Mel Collier-Meek 101 Mel Collier-Meek

Sustained Practice 101: Focusing on Tier 1

Tier 1 is the general curricula that all students access; having a robust, high-quality Tier 1 (in MTSS) is our best chance to efficiently and effectively support students. We can't set it and forget it - Tier 1 needs to be responsive to students and implemented with fidelity to make a difference.

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101 Mel Collier-Meek 101 Mel Collier-Meek

Sustained Practice 101: Implementation Climate

What is a positive implementation climate? One in which implementation policies and procedures encourage, cultivate, and reward practice use. Sustaining practices is a school-wide priority and supported through training and resources. Educators are open, adaptable, experienced, and recognized for their work.

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Video Mel Collier-Meek Video Mel Collier-Meek

What is Sustained Practice?

So, what is sustained practice? A sustained practice is implemented consistently and comprehensively over time. By deliberately supporting sustainment of effective practices, schools can capitalize on current efforts, increase efficiency, and improve student outcomes.

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101 Mel Collier-Meek 101 Mel Collier-Meek

Sustained Practice 101: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Multi-tiered systems support (MTSS) is a prevention framework designed to efficiently and effectively support all learners. All students access high-quality, robust curricula (Tier 1), with those at-risk receiving timely, targeted intervention (Tier 2), and students with ongoing needs receiving individualized practices (Tier 3). For MTSS to effectively support students, foundational practices (in Tier 1 & Tier 2) must be implemented with fidelity.

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Evidence-based interventions benefit learners only when they are implemented fully. Yet many educators struggle with successful implementation. This unique book gives practitioners a research-based framework for working with PreK–12 educators to support the effective delivery of academic, behavioral, and social–emotional interventions. Step-by-step procedures are presented for assessing existing implementation efforts and using a menu of support strategies to promote intervention fidelity. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 28 reproducible worksheets, strategy guides, and fidelity assessment tools. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.


“Should be a mandatory resource for any professional who provides, supports, or evaluates school-based interventions. Uniquely designed for trainees and practitioners of all levels, this book serves as a step-by-step guide for engaging in best practices associated with measuring, supporting, and evaluating treatment integrity. The valuable downloadable tools can be used repeatedly prior to, during, and following intervention implementation.”

— Matthew DuBois, PhD, NCSP, Department of Psychological Services, Public Schools of Brookline, Massachusetts

“Amid the understandable clamor for evidence-based interventions, the elephant in the room is the conspicuous lack of equal emphasis on supporting effective implementation. This book provides practical concepts and worksheets practitioners can use to put in place any of six strategies to increase fidelity. This book is the missing piece to successful implementation.”

— W. Alan Coulter, PhD, Director, TIERS Group (Teams Intervening Early to Reach all Students), Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center–New Orleans

“This book offers a practical guide to fostering successful implementation of interventions, with the goal of shifting student performance. It is an important contribution for professionals dedicated to putting evidence-based practices in place with integrity. Honoring the complexity of implementation, the book shows how to use feasible, efficient strategies during consultation and coaching to ensure—and sustain—intervention fidelity.”

—Kathleen Lynne Lane, PhD, BCBA-D, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

“Sanetti and Collier-Meek offer an up-to-date, detailed description of how to provide effective consultation or coaching to implementers, with excellent visuals and helpful worksheets. The book is infused with the latest research on adult behavior change to assist in enhancing implementation of effective practices and troubleshooting common problems.”

—Kent McIntosh, PhD, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, University of Oregon; Co-Director, OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports